Nurse Practitioner Association of the District of Columbia | Established in 1971 | NPADC.COM

Your feedback is important. This is a reminder to complete the Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Survey. Your participation is greatly appreciated.

Posted almost 5 years ago by Nancy Uhland

Dear fellow Nurse Practitioner,

Hello!  I am an NP working to complete my DNP project, and am looking for participants to complete a 10 to 15-minute survey.  I am exploring clinical procedural skills (CPS) education for NPs practicing in primary care.  I hope to better inform primary care NP educators, and preceptors working with NP students, regarding minimum competencies for CPS.

While I have no prizes or gift cards to offer, I am asking for your help as we all work to advance the practice of NPs across the country.  Please use the link below to get started, and thank you so much for your help! 




David R. Want, MSN, FNP-C, DNP student

Project Director